Professional background – guarantee for quality

Professional background – guarantee for quality

Professional background

Our highly qualified teachers with many years of experience and effective teaching methods ensure a high standard of teaching. 

We provide language courses from beginner to advanced level, including options for both general language and courses tailored to profession specific language.

After an individual assessment, the effectiveness of the language course is guaranteed with personalised curriculum, progress rate and schedule.

Our language school is an adult education institution registered by the National Office of Vocational Education and Training and Adult Learning.

Registration number:  B/2020/000749 

Inside Word uses its own quality assurance system to achieve the most professional level of quality education and customised service.

Our language training is modular, in line with the Council of Europe’s CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) System.

Language proficiency assessment: Our institution provides a language proficiency assessment for all language learners. Our proficiency assessment in English, German, Italian, French and Spanish is now also available in a user-friendly, fast and convenient on-line format. The test result can be viewed within 1 minute of completing the assessment.