Team building training

Team building training

Purpose of the training:

Purpose of the training: achieving improved cohesion and loyalty within the team; determining, with the participants involved, the roles and division of tasks within the team, achieving more efficient communication within the team, developing an atmosphere and climate that loosens the inhibitions of participants and the walls within their respective personalities and between each of them.

We also aim at  providing practical tools that enable participants to handle problematic situations arising in their everyday work as efficiently as possible and ensuring that, in addition to a good atmosphere, participants have the feeling that they are presented a real basis for activating and fully utilising their internal resources, developing creativity and a solution-oriented attitude in participants and, finally, providing a collective experience that is not a usual part of our everyday lives.

To whom we recommend it:

We recommend this training to any workplace community where the efficient cooperation of colleagues in a good atmosphere is important, just as creativity, the elimination of boundaries and a team spirit where members mutually help each other.

Main topics:

  • Characteristics of an ideal team, roles in a team
  • Basic rules of communication
  • Dilemma of human relations
  • Influencing others
  • Developing a win-win situation in communication
  • Positive response and feedback
  • How to express a negative but constructive opinion efficiently
  • Conflicts within a group
  • The efficient handling of conflicts
  • TA-model to handle difficult situations
  • How to access our internal resources
  • The art of self-assertion
  • And, of course: Outdoor and indoor team-building games