üzleti út

BLOG: Az üzleti út

Az üzleti út többféle szempontból is különbözik egy nyaralástól, vagy rokonlátogatástól. A legnyilvánvalóbb különbség természetesen az utazás célja, amely megköveteli az üzleti nyelv bizonyos szintű ismeretét. Emellett azonban már az utazás szervezése során is találkozhatunk olyan szituációkkal, melyek valamelyest eltérnek a hétköznapokban megszokottaktól. Az üzleti út során nagyon fontos például a nyugodt környezet mind a repülőn, mind pedig a szálláshelyen, hiszen az itt eltöltött „üres” idő remek alkalmat kínál a találkozóra való felkészüléshez. Ezért az üzletemberek például a repülőn előnyben részesítik a tágasabb és csendesebb business classt, valamint a szállásfoglalásnál is magasabbra teszik a mércét a kiszolgálás, a környezet és a megközelíthetőség tekintetében, hogy felkészülten és kipihenten érkezhessenek a partneri találkozóra. A következő tíz kifejezés ízelítőt nyújt, hogy mitől üzleti egy utazás.

PREPARATIONS – Előkészítés

1. to reserve something in the name of someone

To book a room, table, etc. for oneself or someone else so it will be available at the given period of time in the future.

– Hello! It’s Erika Kovács. I would like to reserve one of your deluxe rooms in the name of Mr. László Szabó.

– Good morning, Madam! Thank you for your call! I’m happy to do it for you. I’ll just need a few details of Mr. Szabó’s stay.

2. to make arrangements

To prepare for or organise something in advance.

I have made arrangements for my manager to be picked up at the airport by the driver of the hotel.

3. to take out insurance against something

To pay an insurance company money once or regularly for a given period of time. In exchange they pay the costs, for example, if you need medical treatment or your belongings got damaged/lost.

I suggest that you take out insurance against accidents before you leave for Paris because in case something happens to you abroad, you may pay a load of money if you are not insured.

DURING THE JOURNEY – Az üzleti út út alatt

4. to fly first/business/economy/etc. class

To be seated in first/business/economy/etc. class on an airplane.

I always fly business class because I like the services offered there.

5. to fly the Atlantic/the continent/etc.

To travel over an area (ocean or land) by plane.

I’m going to fly the whole continent to meet the head of the company.

6. aisle

A short or long path surrounded by rows of chairs, seats, shelves, etc., for example in theatres, trains, planes, supermarkets.

I tend to choose an aisle seat on the plane when I fly because I suffer from mild claustrophobia.

7. to block a deposit amount

To pay extra money when renting something so in case the rented item got damaged or lost, the owner could cover the costs. If the item is unharmed at the end of renting, the renter gets the deposit amount back.

If you want to rent a car at the airport after getting off, just be sure that you have enough money on your bank account because rental companies always block a deposit amount.

AT THE PARTNER’S – A partnernél

8. to attend a conference

To go to a conference and take part in it by listening to presenters and/or giving a presentation.

I attended the annual conference of my company last week in Prague. The presentations were about last year’s results and directions in the future.

9. a presentation covers something

A presentation is about something.

Ladies and Gentlemen! My presentation covers all the aspects of environmental protection related to our company’s activity.

10. to draw someone’s attention to something

To highlight that something is very important and people should listen to it carefully, for example, during a presentation, speech or campaign.

The business development manager drew our attention to the importance of reaching East-European markets.

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